
Electrical testing monitoring

Electrical testing monitoring


Substation monitoring is a crucial aspect in the management and maintenance of electrical infrastructure.

It is an essential part of the electrical system and its correct functioning is vital to guarantee a constant and reliable supply of energy.

Substation monitoring involves the monitoring and control of a variety of parameters. These parameters must be constantly monitored to detect any anomaly or problem in the operation of the substation. In addition, it is important to monitor the condition of the equipment in the substation, including transformers, switches, conductors, and other electrical components.


Equipment to analyze the Gases state

An important aspect of substation monitoring is the state of the gases inside the SF6 breakers. SF6 is an insulating gas used in high voltage electrical equipment. It is important to monitor the quality of the SF6 to ensure the integrity of the insulation and the safe operation of the breakers.

The SF6 6100 kit is a useful tool for this task. It is a fully automatic SF6 gas analyzer, designed to control and monitor gas quality. Sample gas input to the analyzer can be measured in just a few minutes, and once the analysis is done, the user has the option of storing the SF6 gas inside the analyzer for disposal or recycling, or pumping it back into pressurized electrical equipment.

Dataset and GOOSE traffic monitoring tool for IEC 61850

Since its introduction, the IEC 61850 has established as the standard for substation automation, a new way of thinking that provides large improvements in costs and performance of electric power systems, being currently used in many substations worldwide.

The IEC 61850 represents the migration from the analog to the digital world to the substations. Accordingly, industry faces a period of transition, also noticing the effects of IEC 61850 in the traditional checking and monitoring procedures.

The IEC 61850 requires new dedicated tools for monitoring that messages are correctly broadcasted over Ethernet, for understanding the unseen data which flows in the network for the protection system to operate properly, and make sure that there are no problems either in the IED, switching, or the interconnection cables, assuring the correct communication in the whole system.

Points previously hardwired are now broadcast onto an Ethernet network via the IEC 61850 messages, the so called GOOSEs. The GOOSE (Generic Object Oriented Substation Event) replaces the wires between protective relays and other equipment. Each IEC 61850 GOOSE message encodes a large number of parameters such as status changes, releases or trips between IEDs, blockings, signals, etc, which must be properly monitored during the commissioning and/or maintenance stages.

EuroSMC recognized these challenges at the introduction of IEC 61850 in main utilities, and designed the GOOSEMeter One, a general purpose IEC 61850 GOOSE sniffer and dataset monitoring instrument, that meets and responds to the above mentioned applications and tasks, making them easy to be performed and more efficient.  This new “IEC 61850 multimeter” essentially replaces a voltmeter checking the continuity of a physical wire termination. The test instrument is also risk free to write or to change any configuration in the network, a risk that is very evident using a non-dedicated system such a computer. It is also a handheld device with an easy and dedicated control, which fits in reduced spaces, exactly as a classic multimeter does, to connect in the panels.

EuroSMC continues to explore advanced applications and engineering improvements with the goal to continue pushing the benefits of IEC 61850.

