SMC has currently a strong presence on the World Market, with more than 60 Representatives and Distributors worldwide and with Branch Offices in the United States, Europe, South America, and Asia. SMC products can be found and are used in more than 100 countries.

Strong presence on the World Market

Our customer base ranges from Electrical Utilities (Transmission, Distribution and Generation), EPC companies and Electrical Contractors of any size, Test and Service companies, Large Industry (Oil & Gas, Petrochemical, Mining, Cement, Water utilities, Steel companies, etc), Manufacturers (relays manufacturers, switchgear manufacturers and assemblers, transformers and circuit breaker manufacturers, etc), Hiring Companies, Universities, Laboratories, etc…

Some global references of customers who trust in our quality are the following:

(Contact us or our local representative for more detailed references in your area or for specific product or range references, and/or satisfaction letters) :

